Saturday, 4 June 2016

LEAVE is the right choice

I do not accept or believe all the scare stories that the Remain campaign has put out over the last few weeks. On the one hand, up until recently, that we are a small insignificant state on the outer edge of the European continent. On the other that despite this we can undermine the whole world order if we vote to Leave. 

There will not be plagues of locusts, dark at mid-day, an end to sunshine or Captain Kirk becoming Prime Minister if we Leave the European Union. It is really unacceptable that the Remain campaign has said some of the things that would be the consequence of a Leave vote, not least the Prime Minister's suggestion that there would be a third world war.

The Prime Minister is a liar. If there are going to be any reckonings in the event of a Leave vote, the first two people in the firing line must be David Cameron and Gideon Osborne. They have undermined their offices and have been shameless in their dishonesty.

LEAVE is the right choice

This following is part of a post from

"We started with the assumption that there is no magic wand: the two years allowed under Article 50 would not be nearly long enough to unpick forty years of political, economic and social integration. To even get close is implausible. Moreover, the more radical the process, the greater the risk. Anything perceived to be risky would deliver us a referendum defeat. 

From that point we arrive at our guiding ethos. Brexit is a process, not an event. Leaving the EU will have to be done in phases. The first phase simply takes us out of the political construct of the EU. Only then do we look at the long road of full separation. 

When asked what does Brexit looks like the day after, the answer is simple: exactly the same. By remaining part of the EEA, with a transitional agreement on fisheries and agriculture, maintaining most of the cooperation agreements and adopting the entire EU acquis into British law, nothing changes. This is the quickest settlement to negotiate, the least disruptive and the solution most likely to be ratified without a fuss. 

Necessarily, this requires compromise on freedom of movement, an idea which is met with howls of rage from those less familiar with the subtleties and complexities of the plan. They wish to ditch this policy in the mistaken belief that it will have a significant effect on overall migration. 

We have always said the EU is more than just a trade bloc. There are multiple levels of invisible government which have gradually integrated over the years. These must be unpicked with a scalpel, not an axe. As much as we might like to go at it like a bull in a china shop, we don't have that luxury. Britain's soft power is hard-won on the basis that we uphold our agreements and respect treaties. Moreover we will still wish to have amicable relations with the EU and so compromise will be required of us. 

But in the process of producing Flexcit, we became increasingly aware that the EU is not the top table in regulatory affairs. In fact, the EU is now superseded in most areas, adopting regulations from many global bodies wholesale. We have seen how the United Nations Economic Commission Europe (UNECE) is pivotal to several key areas of regulation. We have also explored the role of Codex and standards bodies which now form the basis of what we regard as an emerging global single market. 

Far from having no say, we find that the EU is increasingly an obstruction to us having our say, removing our independent vote and right of opt out. It seems the entire case for remaining in the EU is perpetuating the myth that the EU is the alpha and omega of rule-making. It just isn't so. 

We find in the very first instance that Britain is free to pursue its own trading avenues and has an enhanced role in the formation of regulations. Consequently we become a leading voice in bringing that global single market closer to what we have achieved in Europe. The argument for going into the EEC in 1975 was that we needed to be in it to have a say in the rules. If that was true then, the same logic applies now - but on a global level. 

We set out in Flexcit the many opportunities this presents along with the process of modernising our aid, trade, fishing and agriculture policies after we repatriate them. But having dismantled much of our administrative capability and expertise while inside the EU, we really don't want to bite off more than we can chew. "

Leaving the European Union is a PROCESS not an event

I do not believe the United Kingdom will save much money from voting to Leave the European Union. There will be policies and initiatives into which we will still want to input and to which we will still belong inter-Governmentally.

A vote to Leave the European Union will take the United Kingdom out of the POLITICAL construct of the European Union

This is where I put my standard

I do not want to be part of a supranational regional government which is what the European Union is. 

I want to be in an Independent Sovereign State whose government liaises, negotiates and trades on an intergovernmental level with other Governments even the European Union Government (minus the United Kingdom).

There is a 'soft' landing for the United Kingdom in the event of a LEAVE vote. It is called FLEXCIT; a Flexible plan and pathway for the complete eventual independence of the United Kingdom. I have read it. It really is worth a look:

This referendum is not really about trade or money. It is about POWER and who has it.

Power is loaned by the electorate to the politicians. 


Vote to take back power from the politicians 

Vote to put power back in the hands of this and future generations.

Vote to take the United Kingdom out of the Political construct of the European Union

Vote to start a process whereby eventually our Farming, Fishing, Environmental, Defence and Home Office policies will be drafted by and for the benefit of the electors and residents of the United Kingdom and not some bureaucratic, anti-democratic supranational regional trading block.

Vote to make you, the electors of the United Kingdom, the place where supreme power lies.

Vote for this and future generations

Vote to take the United Kingdom out of the Political construct of the European Union

Vote to Leave the European Union

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