Sunday, 19 June 2016

Vote to LEAVE the European Union

This post will be my last before the Referendum - I will put one up with the result and a brief analysis of it at the weekend.

For me this referendum is not about markets or money or trade; it is about power.

The problem with the European Union is that it is not an Inter-Governmental organisation, it is a Supra-National one to which the United Kingdom is subservient.

The really strange thing is that, in my view, the Government of the United Kingdom would have MORE power outside the European Union and you would have thought that David Cameron and Gideon (George) Osborne would WANT more power. The United Kingdom as a member of the European Union certainly does NOT have power.

Under Qualified Majority Voting (QMV) it has precious little influence let alone power and is outvoted more than any other nation state. With the inevitable entry of more states, whatever power it does have will be further diluted.

I want a United Kingdom which is an Independent Sovereign State and which acts Inter-Governmentally with other Sovereign States as a negotiator amongst equals. It is not equal or Independent or Sovereign now.

I want a Government, one that I might have voted against, to have power - MY Government.

Vote to Leave the Political Construct of the European Union

Vote for an Independent Sovereign State

Vote to return power to YOU, the people and electors of the United Kingdom

Vote so that this and future generations will have Power

Vote against Supra-Nationalism and FOR Inter-Governmentalism

Vote to Leave the Political Construct of the European Union

Vote to LEAVE the European Union

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